
Showing posts from December, 2020
1. Which of the following is NOT a synonym for “greedy”? Precocious      2. Which option is nearest in meaning to the word given below? Euthanasia Mercy killing     3. “Munificent” Contributions from corporate houses made it possible for us to host the show Generous   4. Chauffeur:Car Captain:ship    5. Agile climber Skillful     6. Watching a well- trained dog at work, I had to admire his “Pertinacity” as he as he repeatedly located the balls thrown at him Persistence  7. Abate To free of guilt of blame     8. The non-native students were put off by the _______ Language of the poetry. Dull     9. Jeopardize: danger Legalize:threat     10. The waiter gave an “obsequious” bow before taking order from the table. Servile     11. To placate his wife Divorce     12. The tribals revolted because of the ____ decision made by the chieftain Arbitrary     13. In the autumn, the trees around the lake are “kaleidoscopic” in there brilliant and Changing color   In a variety of deferent pat